From: "Haire, Gene" Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 09:46:35 -0700 To: "Welfare Warriors" Subject: RE: forced drugging TO: Pat Gowens, Editor, Mother Warriors Voice With all due respect, I suggest that you get a little more objective information before you fire off ill-advised e-mails at the urging of David Oaks / MindFreedom. It is very easy to throw around such inflammatory phrases as "forced drugging" and such conclusions as "no doubt [the patients who wrote you are] being illegally drugged". You have absolutely no idea what the situations are for any individuals in Montana who may have contacted MindFreedom. You damage your and your organization's credibility by assuming that what David Oaks tells you is true, and by communicating with organizations such as ours - which has been a leader for 30 years in rational advocacy for people with mental illnesses in Montana - in this manner. Unless you are just interested in ranting and pandering to the self-appointed righteousness of uninformed people like David Oaks, I suggest that you truly investigate specific situations that lead to "involuntary commitment" of people with serious mental illness. If you are interested an a more rational perspective (in my humble opinion) on this issue - a perspective that is based on actual experiences of people with mental illnesses and their families instead of David Oaks' hyperbole - I recommend that you take a look at the following website Sincerely - Gene Haire Gene Haire Executive Director Mental Disabilities Board of Visitors Governor's Office (406) 444-3955