NO. 96773 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS IN RE ROBERT S., Alleged to be a person subject to authorized involuntary administration of psychotropic medication Respondent-Appellant Appeal from the Appellate Court Second Judicial District No. 2-02-0262 Original Appeal from the Circuit Court Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Kane County, Illinois No. 01-MH-261 Honorable Franklin D. Brewe Judge Presiding BRIEF AND ARGUMENT OF RESPONDENT-APPELLANT Jeff M. Plesko, Director William J. Conroy, Jr., Managing Attorney Anthony E. Rothert, Staff Attorney Teresa L. Berge, Staff Attorney Legal Advocacy Service ILLINOIS GUARDIANSHIP & ADVOCACY COMMISSION 4302 North Main Street Rockford, Illinois 61103-5202 (815) 987-7657 Oral Argument Requested TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Points and Authorities i Nature of the Case Issues Presented for Review 1 Standard of Review 2 Jurisdiction 2 Statutes Considered 3 Statement of Facts 7 Summary of Argument 15 Argument 17 Conclusion _51 Appendix 52 ARGUMENT THE APPELLATE COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT 405 ILCS 5/2-107.I. A STATUTE EXERCISING TJ--IE P.4IRENSPATRI.4E INTEREST OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, W'HICI-I AUTHORIZES NON-EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS AND ELECTRO-CONVULSIVE THERAPY (ECT) TO MENTAL HEALTH RECIPIENTS ON AN INVOLUNTARY BASIS, WAS CONSTITUTIONALLY APPLIED TO ROBERT S., WHO WAS A CRIMINAL CASE PRETRIAL DETAINEE, AND A PRETRIAL DETAINEE WI-1[) HAD BEEN FOUND TO BE UNFIT TO STAND TRIAL 17 Lrrlery v Lvlav, 193 I11. 2d 455. 470. 739 N.E.2d 521 (2000) 17. 18 Tall . Ed