Fred Baughman, M.D. - Fred A.Baughman Jr, MD, is
board-certified in neurology and child neurology. He states it is
the medico-legal responsibility of neurologists, not psychiatrists,
to determine who has a brain/nervous system abnormality-- disease--
and who is disease-free--normal. Dr. Baughman has discovered and
described real genetic and neurological diseases. He was among the
first to dispel the mistaken notion that the XYY genotype was a
"criminal" genotype (1970). Dr. Baughman witnessed the rise of
ADD/ADHD, which was never discovered, but voted into existence by
the American Psychiatric Association for the DSM. "I saw growing
numbers of children referred by their teachers, labeled, drugged,
and made psychiatric patients-in-perpetuity; none of it the
legitimate practice of medicine."
Mary Boyle, Ph.D - Mary Boyle is Professor of Clinical
Psychology and head of the Doctoral programme in clinical Psychology
at the University of East London UK. She also carries out sessional
work in the national health service. Her major research interests
have been in the critical examination of the scientific basis of
psychiatric theory and classification systems, particularly the
concept of schizophrenia, and in the development of alternatives to
these systems. She has also examined some of the social and
psychological reasons for the popularity and dominance of
biological/diagnostic approaches to psychological distress and the
social and psychological barriers to the development of
alternatives. Mary has also published widely on women's health, and
in 2000 she received the MB Shapiro award for eminence in clinical
psychology from the British Psychological Society's Division of
Clinical Psychology. She is the author of Schizophrenia: A
Scientific Delusion?
Peter R. Breggin, M.D. - Peter R. Breggin, M.D. began in
the full time private practice of psychiatry in 1968. Dr. Breggin
has been informing the professionals, media and the public about the
potential dangers of drugs, electroshock, psychosurgery, involuntary
treatment, and the biological theories of psychiatry for over three
decades. He is the author of dozens of scientific articles and
nineteen professional books, many dealing with psychiatric
medication, the FDA and drug approval process, the evaluation of
clinical trials, and standards of care in psychiatry and related
In 1972 he founded The International Center for the Study
of Psychiatry and Psychology (ICSPP) as a nonprofit research and
educational network.
David Cohen, Ph.D - David Cohen is Professor of Social
Work at Florida International University, Miami, and Editor-in-Chief
of Ethical Human Sciences and Services. His work has focused
on developing a critical understanding of the mental health system
and on the social and cultural uses of psychiatric medications. He
is author or co-author of eight books and over fifty other
publications. More info is available at
Ty C. Colbert, Ph.D - Ty C. Colbert received his Ph.D. in
Counseling Psychology in 1984 from the University of Southern
California. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at Trinity School
of Graduate Studies. His specialty areas are sports psychology and
motivation , psychotherapy without the use of psychoactive drugs,
individuals from abusive, highly dysfunctional childhoods, menŐs
groups and issues, and addictive sexual behavior. He is the author
of several books including Rape of the Soul, Blaming Our Genes and
Broken Brains or Wounded Hearts: What Causes Mental Illness
Patricia E. Deegan Ph.D. - Patricia E. Deegan Ph.D. is a
clinical psychologist, a nationally recognized expert and champion
on the subject of recovery of people diagnosed with mental illness.
She is affiliated with the Boston University Institute for the Study
of Human Resilience, the University of Kansas School of Social
Welfare and Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. She received her
doctorate in clinical psychology from Duquesne University in 1984.
Albert O. Galves, Ph.D. - Albert Galves, until recently,
was the Director of Behavioral health at Salud Clinic in Fort
Lupton, Colorado. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from
Union Institute Graduate School in 1997. In 1969 he was awarded a
Masters in Government Administration from Wharton Graduate School
and received his Bachelor of Arts from Cornell University 1961.
Noted publications include "The False Dichotomy Between Psychology
and Biology," Perspective (The Bi-Monthly Magazine of the
Association for Humanistic Psychology), April/May, 1999 and "Seeing
Problems Eye to Eye," Human Resources Professional,
March/April, 1994. At present he practices and writes in Las Cruces,
Thomas Greening, Ph.D. - Thomas Greening, Ph.D., is a
professor of psychology at Saybrook Graduate School, editor of the
Journal of Humanistic Psychology, a psychotherapist in
private practice, and a clinical professor of psychology at UCLA.
David Jacobs, Ph.D. - David Jacobs received his Ph.D. from
the University of Chicago. His particular interests include
analyzing the psychiatric drug approval process and psychiatric
research practices. Dr. Jacobs has been published in The Journal
of Mind and Behavior, The Journal of Humanistic
Psychology, The International Journal of Risk and Safety in
Medicine, and Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought. He is on
the editorial advisory board of Ethical Human Sciences and
Services and is in private practice in San Diego County,
Jay Joseph, Psy.D. - Jay Joseph, Psy.D., is a clinical
psychologist practicing in the San Francisco Bay Area of California.
Since 1998, his articles on genetic research in psychiatry and
psychology have appeared in journals such as Developmental
Review, The American Journal of Psychology, Genetic,
Social, and General Psychology Monographs, Politics and the
Life Sciences, The Journal of Mind and Behavior,
Psychiatric Quarterly, New Ideas in Psychology, and
Ethical Human Sciences and Services. He is currently an
Associate Editor of Ethical Human Sciences and Services, and
an Assessing Editor of theJournal of Mind and Behavior. His
first book, The Gene Illusion: Genetic Research in Psychiatry and
Psychology Under the Microscope was published early in 2003.
Jonathan Leo, Ph.D. - Jonathan Leo is an Associate
Professor of Anatomy at Western University of Health Sciences in
Pomona, CA. He has written several articles critical of biological
theories of mental illness. The most recent article, co-authored
with David Cohen, is titled "Broken Brains or Flawed Studies: A
Critical Review of ADHD Neuroimaging Studies" and was published in
the Journal of Mind and Behavior. His papers have also
appeared in Skeptic, Society, and Telos. He is
Co-Editor of Ethical Human Science and Services.
Bruce Levine, Ph.D. - Bruce E. Levine, Ph.D., has been a
clinical psychologist in private practice in Cincinnati, Ohio for
over eighteen years. Dr. Levine is the author of Commonsense
Rebellion: Taking Back Your Life From Drugs, Shrinks, Corporations,
and a World Gone Crazy (New York: Continuum, 2003), and recent
articles in Z Magazine and Adbusters.
Loren R. Mosher, M.D. - Psychiatrist Loren Mosher
pioneered the Soteria Project, a successful non-drug, non-hospital
residential alternative for persons newly labeled as "psychotic."
Dr. Mosher is former director of the National Institute of Mental
Health's Center for Studies of Schizophrenia. He co-authored the
popular book, Community Mental Health, which provides
practical guidelines for community-based, non-coercive,
user-centered, recovery-oriented mental health systems. Soteria Associates provides
problem resolution oriented consultation to individuals, families,
programs and mental health systems.
Stuart Shipko, M.D. - Dr. Shipko is a board certified
psychiatrist with a private practice in Pasadena, California. He has
a subspecialty interest in panic disorders and adverse reactions to
SSRI's and has published in these areas. He also provides expert
testimony on adverse effects of SSRI's and BDZ's.