The Debate:
to Fast for Freedom |
to Brief Alerts)
Text of cover letter sent from hunger strikers to the American
Psychiatric Association (APA), National Alliance for the Mentally
Ill (NAMI) & Office of Surgeon General. This letter
challenges the organizations that assert there is a scientific
basis behind the treatments they advocate forcing on people to
produce any evidence for their assertions.
The official statement of demands by Hunger Strike to Challenge
International Domination by Biopsychiatry
Correspondence with Rick Birkel, Director of NAMI.
NAMI's response is basically an attack on the hunger strikers and
is devoid of any evidence.
The APA's response by John Scully. This response
basically says, go look it up yourself.
The Panel of Experts Judgment on the APA's
Richard Shulman, Ph.D., Licensed
Psychologist response to John Scully. This is a detailed
refutation of Scully's assertion that the Surgeon General's Report
(cited by Scully) supports the APA's position.Ruth Ehrenberg's e-mail
correspondence with Tom Lane, Director, Office of Consumer
Affairs, NAMI. Mr. Lane also attacks the hunger
strikers, which seems to be NAMI's stance. Ms. Ehrenberg, a
psychiatric victim's grandmother, responds with scientific
evidence provided with the help of
Jim Gottstein of the
Law Project for Psychiatric Rights.
Fred Baughman,
M.D., June 5, 2003, letter to Sandra F. Olson, MD, President J
American Academy of Neurology. Dr. Baughman is board
certified in neurology and child neurology. This letter has
a lot of citations debunking the biological basis of psychiatric
symptoms, with a focus on ADHD.Fred Baughman,
M.D., May 22, 2003 letter to Daniel R Weinberger, MD, Chief of
the Clinical Brain Disorders Branch, challenging him to provide
evidence for the unsupported claims made in Neurology Today
about the biologic basis of mental illness.
Fred Baughman,
M.D., June 24, 2003 letter to to Daniel R Weinberger, MD
explaining that saying mental illness was a brain disease does not
make it so.The Law Project for Psychiatric
Rights has a series of web pages presenting actual papers
involved at
Scientific Research by Topic.

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