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American Kids Being Drugged To Death 
Washington, DC: As result of the
marketing power the pharmaceutical industry obtained by spending tens
of billions of dollars to gain influence over politicians in power, the
FDA and the medical profession, American kids are being pumped full of
the most powerful and dangerous psychiatric medications on the market,
in drug cocktails that are literally killing them.
Neurologist Dr Fred Baughman, author of "The ADHD Fraud," calls the
leadership of the psycho-pharm-government cartel (FDA, NIMH, White
House New Freedom Commission on Mental Health) the biggest, most evil
drug cartel in history. "At least the pusher of 'crack' on inner city
streets does not come in a white coat," he says.
According Dr Baughman, kids have become "for-profit receptacles" for
psychiatric drugs which will forever alter their brains and bodies. And
its happening all across America he says, not by thousands but by tens
of thousands.
Experts say, the drugging regime usually begins by doctors convincing
parents that their children have attention deficit disorder, and the
medications prescribed are the exact same drugs that street addicts
call "speed." They include the amphetamines Adderall, Dexedrine, and
methylphenidates such as Ritalin and Concerta.
FDA records show that, between 1999 and 2003, seventy-eight million
prescriptions were written for ADHD drugs for children ranging in age
from one to 18. A review of adverse events posted on the FDA web site
reveals that, between January 2000 and June 30, 2005, there were nearly
1,000 reports of psychosis or mania possibly linked to ADHD drugs, with
psychosis characterized by the inability to distinguish real and
imaginary events.
"The most important finding of this review is that signs of psychosis
or mania, particularly hallucinations, can occur in patients with no
identifiable risk factors, at usual doses of any of the drugs used to
treat ADHD," according to a March 3, 2006, memo penned by two members
of the agency's ADHD psychiatric review team.
FDA records also show reports of 25 deaths in children and adults
between 1999 and 2003, and 54 cases of serious cardiovascular problems,
including stokes, heart attacks, hypertension, palpitations and
arrhythmia. But according to Dr Baughman, in addition to the deaths
cited by the FDA, the MedWatch database also contains 186 more deaths
of persons using ADHD drugs for the period between 1990 and 2000.
Dr Grace Jackson, author of "Rethinking Psychiatric Drugs: A Guide for
Informed Consent," says that "whether by ignorance or design, the FDA
remains oblivious to the evidence-based limitations of ADHD drugs."
She notes that at least 40% of children fail to respond or tolerate
stimulant therapy, "and about twice as many respond at least as well to
non-pharmacological interventions."
"The link between stimulants, cardiovascular disease, and death," Dr
Jackson reports, "is well documented but doctors and government
regulators have refused to acknowledge the dangers associated with the
The long-term outcomes for kids on ADHD drugs, she says, show
diminishing effects over time, including "artificial behavioral
improvements" which end when the medication is withdrawn.
Because stimulant drugs cause insomnia, sleeping pills are now being
fed to children to counteract the insomnia side effect. Medco Health
Solutions, a managed-care firm, found an 85% increase in the use of
sleeping pills among children between 2002 and 2004.
One of the world's leading authorities on psychiatric drugs, Dr Peter
Breggin, founder of the International Center for the Study of
Psychiatry and Psychology and the journal Ethical Human Sciences and
Services, warns that all ADHD drugs can cause "a continuum of
stimulation, which includes agitation and irritability, anger,
hostility, disinhibition, hypomania and mania."
The activation syndrome, he says, was observed decades ago with the
amphetamines like Adderall and Dexedrine, and methylphenidates such as
Ritalin and Concerta.
As an unrecognized side effect to most doctors, the syndrome more often
than not results feeding the kids more drugs. As a child's emotional
control breaks down due to the stimulant effects, Dr Breggin says, mood
stabilizers such as antiseizure medications and antipsychotics may be
added to the mix. "Eventually," he states, "these kids end up on four
or five psychiatric drugs all at once and toddlers are even being
diagnosed with bipolar disorder."
The new generation of "atypical" antipsychotics, originally approved
only to treat adults with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, which
include Zyprexa (Eli Lilly), Risperdal (Johnson & Johnson),
Seroquel (AstraZeneca), Abilify (Bristol-Myers Squibb), Clozaril
(Novartis) and Geodon (Pfizer), were not approved for any condition in
children, but studies of Medicaid records and HMO databases found an
alarming increase in the use of these drugs by kids, particularly for
behavioral disorders such as ADHD, according to the spring 2006 issue
of the Journal of Ambulatory Pediatrics.
Researchers led by Dr William Cooper at Vanderbilt University analyzed
data on health care services rendered in the US and found that between
1995 and 2002, there were 5,762,193 outpatient visits where children
between the ages of 2 and 18 were prescribed an antipsychotic.
The researchers explained that there had been no increase in mental
disorders and noted that, "schizophrenia and psychosis accounted for
only 13.5% of the total antipsychotic visits during the study period,
so this diagnosis alone could not explain the increase."
A USA TODAY analysis of the FDA's adverse event reporting system
between 2000 and 2004 found at least 45 deaths of kids where the
"primary suspect" was an atypical and more than 1,300 reports of other
serious side effects.
Dr Breggin has served as an expert witness in several cases that
resulted in favorable verdicts for the plaintiffs in which Risperdal
caused a condition known as tardive dyskinesia in children, when it was
prescribed in attempt to control behaviors that were in fact caused by
ADHD drugs.
He explains that tardive dyskinesia is a neurological movement disorder
that is often mistaken for a mental illness because the symptoms are so
"strange" and "bizarre." The abnormal movements, he says, can affect
any muscle group in the body and impair the ability to speak, walk,
breathe and swallow.
According to Dr Breggin, this serious disorder occurs at a cumulative
rate of between 4% and 7% in otherwise healthy patients taking
antipsychotics each year and after only a few years, 20% or more of
patients will be afflicted.
The drug makers have apparently found ways to influence the prescribing
habits of Canadian doctors, because the new antipsychotics are now
being doled out in record numbers to Canadian children for behavior and
mood problems, with a significant proportion for children under nine,
according to new research from Canada.
On June 18, 2007, Sharon Kirkey of CanWest News reported that
ninety-four per cent of 176 child psychiatrists in Canada surveyed are
prescribing the antipsychotics for a variety of disorders and symptoms,
including anxiety, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and "poor
frustration tolerance," citing a study in the Canadian Journal of
Risperdal was the most commonly prescribed, followed by Zyprexa and
Seroquel. The report said that a "surprising" number of the
prescriptions were for the very young, with 12% written for children
aged eight or under, including three-year-olds, and noted that none of
the drugs has been officially approved for use in children in Canada.
Lilly, J&J and AstraZeneca are currently named as defendants in
Medicaid fraud lawsuits related to the illegal off-label marketing of
Zyprexa, Risperdal and Seroquel, filed to recover money paid for
patients' use the drugs, as well as the costs of medical care for
patients injured by them.
In addition, investigations in several states have recently started
looking into the behind-the-scenes financial relationships between the
drug makers and some of the doctors who have been heavily involved in
promoting the prescribing of the drugs for off-label uses.
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