Mass psychosis in the US
How Big Pharma got Americans hooked on anti-psychotic drugs.
Last Modified: 12 Jul 2011 06:20
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Drug companies like Pfizer are accused of pressuring doctors into over-prescribing medications to patients in order to increase profits [GALLO/GETTY]

Has America become a nation of psychotics? You would certainly think so, based on the explosion in the use of antipsychotic medications. In 2008, with over $14 billion in sales, antipsychotics became the single top-selling therapeutic class of prescription drugs in the United States, surpassing drugs used to treat high cholesterol and acid reflux.

Once upon a time, antipsychotics were reserved for a relatively small number of patients with hard-core psychiatric diagnoses - primarily schizophrenia and bipolar disorder - to treat such symptoms as delusions, hallucinations, or formal thought disorder. Today, it seems, everyone is taking antipsychotics. Parents are told that their unruly kids are in fact bipolar, and in need of anti-psychotics, while old people with dementia are dosed, in large numbers, with drugs once reserved largely for schizophrenics. Americans with symptoms ranging from chronic depression to anxiety to insomnia are now being prescribed anti-psychotics at rates that seem to indicate a national mass psychosis.

It is anything but a coincidence that the explosion in antipsychotic use coincides with the pharmaceutical industry's development of a new class of medications known as "atypical antipsychotics." Beginning with Zyprexa, Risperdal, and Seroquel in the 1990s, followed by Abilify in the early 2000s, these drugs were touted as being more effective than older antipsychotics like Haldol and Thorazine. More importantly, they lacked the most noxious side effects of the older drugs - in particular, the tremors and other motor control problems.

The atypical anti-psychotics were the bright new stars in the pharmaceutical industry's roster of psychotropic drugs - costly, patented medications that made people feel and behave better without any shaking or drooling. Sales grew steadily, until by 2009 Seroquel and Abilify numbered fifth and sixth in annual drug sales, and prescriptions written for the top three atypical antipsychotics totaled more than 20 million.  Suddenly, antipsychotics weren't just for psychotics any more.

Not just for psychotics anymore

By now, just about everyone knows how the drug industry works to influence the minds of American doctors, plying them with gifts, junkets, ego-tripping awards, and research funding in exchange for endorsing or prescribing the latest and most lucrative drugs. "Psychiatrists are particularly targeted by Big Pharma because psychiatric diagnoses are very subjective," says Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman, whose PharmedOut project tracks the industry's influence on American medicine, and who last month hosted a conference on the subject at Georgetown. A shrink can't give you a blood test or an MRI to figure out precisely what's wrong with you. So it's often a case of diagnosis by prescription. (If you feel better after you take an anti-depressant, it's assumed that you were depressed.) As the researchers in one study of the drug industry's influence put it, "the lack of biological tests for mental disorders renders psychiatry especially vulnerable to industry influence." For this reason, they argue, it's particularly important that the guidelines for diagnosing and treating mental illness be compiled "on the basis of an objective review of the scientific evidence" - and not on whether the doctors writing them got a big grant from Merck or own stock in AstraZeneca.

Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine and a leading critic of the Big Pharma, puts it more bluntly: "Psychiatrists are in the pocket of industry." Angell has pointed out that most of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the bible of mental health clinicians, have ties to the drug industry. Likewise, a 2009 study showed that 18 out of 20 of the shrinks who wrote the American Psychiatric Association's most recent clinical guidelines for treating depression, bipolar disorders, and schizophrenia had financial ties to drug companies.

"The use of psychoactive drugs - including both antidepressants and antipsychotics - has exploded...[yet] 'the tally of those who are disabled...increased nearly two and a half times."

Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine

In a recent article in The New York Review of Books, Angell deconstructs what she calls an apparent "raging epidemic of mental illness" among Americans. The use of psychoactive drugs—including both antidepressants and antipsychotics—has exploded, and if the new drugs are so effective, Angell points out, we should "expect the prevalence of mental illness to be declining, not rising." Instead, "the tally of those who are so disabled by mental disorders that they qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) increased nearly two and a half times between 1987 and 2007 - from one in 184 Americans to one in seventy-six. For children, the rise is even more startling - a thirty-five-fold increase in the same two decades. Mental illness is now the leading cause of disability in children." Under the tutelage of Big Pharma, we are "simply expanding the criteria for mental illness so that nearly everyone has one." Fugh-Berman agrees: In the age of aggressive drug marketing, she says, "Psychiatric diagnoses have expanded to include many perfectly normal people."

Cost benefit analysis

What's especially troubling about the over-prescription of the new antipsychotics is its prevalence among the very young and the very old - vulnerable groups who often do not make their own choices when it comes to what medications they take. Investigations into antipsychotic use suggests that their purpose, in these cases, may be to subdue and tranquilize rather than to treat any genuine psychosis.

Carl Elliott reports in Mother Jones magazine: "Once bipolar disorder could be treated with atypicals, rates of diagnoses rose dramatically, especially in children. According to a recent Columbia University study, the number of children and adolescents treated for bipolar disorder rose 40-fold between 1994 and 2003." And according to another study, "one in five children who visited a psychiatrist came away with a prescription for an antipsychotic drug."

A remarkable series published in the Palm Beach Post in May true revealed that the state of  Florida's juvenile justice department has literally been pouring these drugs into juvenile facilities, "routinely" doling them out "for reasons that never were approved by federal regulators." The numbers are staggering: "In 2007, for example, the Department of Juvenile Justice bought more than twice as much Seroquel as ibuprofen. Overall, in 24 months, the department bought 326,081 tablets of Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal and other antipsychotic drugs for use in state-operated jails and homes for children…That's enough to hand out 446 pills a day, seven days a week, for two years in a row, to kids in jails and programs that can hold no more than 2,300 boys and girls on a given day." Further, the paper discovered that "One in three of the psychiatrists who have contracted with the state Department of Juvenile Justice in the past five years has taken speaker fees or gifts from companies that make antipsychotic medications."

In addition to expanding the diagnoses of serious mental illness, drug companies have encouraged doctors to prescribe atypical anti-psychotics for a host of off-label uses. In one particularly notorious episode, the drugmaker Eli Lilly pushed Zyprexa on the caregivers of old people with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, as well as agitation, anxiety, and insomnia. In selling to nursing home doctors, sales reps reportedly used the slogan "five at five"—meaning that five milligrams of Zyprexa at 5 pm would sedate their more difficult charges. The practice persisted even after FDA had warned Lilly that the drug was not approved for such uses, and that it could lead to obesity and even diabetes in elderly patients.

In a video interview conducted in 2006, Sharham Ahari, who sold Zyprexa for two years at the beginning of the decade, described to me how the sales people would wangle the doctors into prescribing it. At the time, he recalled, his doctor clients were giving him a lot of grief over patients who were "flipping out" over the weight gain associated with the drug, along with the diabetes. "We were instructed to downplay side effects and focus on the efficacy of drug…to recommend the patient drink a glass a water before taking a pill before the  meal and then after the meal in hopes the stomach would expand" and provide an easy way out of this obstacle to increased sales. When docs complained, he recalled, "I told them, ‘Our drug is state of the art. What's more important? You want them to get better or do you want them to stay the same--a thin psychotic patient or a fat stable patient.'"

For the drug companies, Shahrman says, the decision to continue pushing the drug despite side effects is matter of cost benefit analysis: Whether you will make more money by continuing to market the drug for off-label use, and perhaps defending against lawsuits, than you would otherwise. In the case of Zyprexa, in January 2009, Lilly settled a lawsuit brought by with the US Justice Department, agreeing to pay $1.4 billion, including "a criminal fine of $515 million, the largest ever in a health care case, and the largest criminal fine for an individual corporation ever imposed in a United States criminal prosecution of any kind,''the Department of Justice said in announcing the settlement." But Lilly's sale of Zyprexa in that year alone were over $1.8 billion.

Turning people into zombies

People and Power: Drug Money

As it turns out, the atypical antipsychotics may not even be the best choice for people with genuine, undisputed psychosis.

A growing number of health professionals have come to think these drugs are not really as effective as older less expensive medicines which they have replaced, that they themselves produce side effects that cause other sorts of diseases such as diabetes and plunge the patient deeper into the gloomy world of serious mental disorder. Along with stories of success comes reports of people turned into virtual zombies.

Elliott reports in Mother Jones: "After another large analysis in The Lancet found that most atypicals actually performed worse than older drugs, two senior British psychiatrists penned a damning editorial that ran in the same issue. Dr. Peter Tyrer, the editor of the British Journal of Psychiatry, and Dr. Tim Kendall of the Royal College of Psychiatrists wrote: "The spurious invention of the atypicals can now be regarded as invention only, cleverly manipulated by the drug industry for marketing purposes and only now being exposed."

Bottom line:Stop Big Pharma and the parasitic shrink community from wantonly pushing these pills across the population.

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  • Aungsan 3 days ago
    Another failure for capitalism, pharmaceutical companies driven by profit, so what is the best way to make profit? to make addict out of all of us, so, who cares if the drugs actually solve any problem? or if they have side effects? who cares if the are used for problems that they have not been tested? or if it is kids the ones being duped? who cares about morals anyway? when money comes to the picture, and branding and bribing works so well that billions keep coming no matter what, then who cares about morals?
  • In large part, its a population dealing with the fallout of self hate and guilt consequence of being a repressed judgmental biblical based society. The puritans set the social tone for this country. Its what war cultures do. Distort the population at a young enough age so what goes on in their own head is demonized, produces angry, confused adults primed and ready to kill. Tell a child "Jesus died for your sins"? Thats a h*ll of a thing to drum into a kids head. "Who is this guy? I don't know any such guy and what did I do?" A kid like that has been emotionally crippled before getting started in life. The pervasive anger in American society at judgementalism having religious roots is everywhere. Which is great if you plan on war. Not so great if you have to deal with that in a civil society. The solution? Drug 'em.
  • It is not about religion, it is about corporatism.  I like and agree with your post however. True there are many problems with American society as it continues to deteriorate but this is just another example of ruthless corporations willing to do anything to make a profit.  No one cares about the long term effects as long as the short term profits are there.  The fact that the American population is so heavily drugged probably has a lot to do with why we have such a weak and passive population that is too willing to accept increasingly worse and worse conditions and a smaller piece of the pie.  You have to be on drugs to believe anything our "leaders" tells us.
  • ---> Rodd64 19 hours ago in reply to Gary "Not unremarkably, the history books of the United States do not reveal Puritan populations centers as wildly criminal, filled with angry, confused adults, primed and ready to kill, as they would if your assertions were true."

    Oh? You don't know your history very well.

    "The Salem witch trials occurred in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. More than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft—the Devil's magic—and 20 were executed. Eventually, the colony admitted the trials were a mistake and compensated the families of those convicted. Since then, the story of the trials has become synonymous with paranoia and injustice, and it continues to beguile the popular imagination more than 300 years later." ~ From The Smithsonian.

    Nor do you have a grasp on the thread of Christian history, its history in the US, its hypocrisy, consistent violence and hate mongering while preaching peace and love. It in and of itself is a bi-polar religion producing lots of bi-polar people.
  • Growing up in America during the 1950's I was constantly being told that God was going send me to hell if I did anything wrong; that he knew my every thought and deed; and that he was coming at any moment, and that I better not be left behind.  At school we were constantly reminded that we could all be destroyed at any minute by the Russian, but that it would be "better to be dead that red."  I was told that there were communists in our schools and cities and that if they took over the country they would kill my parents and turn me into a slave.  I was encourage to be ever on the lookout for anyone who might be communist agent or sympathizer.  We were expected to live in a stae of constant fear.

    The 1960's saw my generation drafted and sent to fight a war for corporate profits, where 50,000 died and millions were scarred for life.  We were bomabarded with ads for cigarettes, beer, and headache remedies.  We were told that if we didn't own the right kind of car the girls would never love us, and that the cool guys all used Aqua Velva aftershave.

    Since we were children we have been told what to believe, and that true happiness could be ours if we just bought the latest product or clothing style.  Television and the ever present advertising fueled America's consumer society and helped to create a valueless materialistic society.

    Now my genration is getting old and now we are being told that the path to happiness lies in the latest product from the pharmacy.  My generation was doomed when it started watching "Howdy Doody" and "Captain Kangaroo", because we were used as tools to help corporate America and Wall Street make lots of money.  Now the next generations are being used by Facebook and Twitter to sell the latest gadget and encouraged to use on-line chats as a substitute for having a real life.
  • Thanks for clarifying, is a lot bigger problem than I thought.

    So the permissiveness from the government and institutions comes as a social cohesion element, drug the population, avoid the ready to burst conflicts that come from crippling bad education, puritan hate and powerlessness, then they do whatever they want since everybody is too sedated to do anything about it, and of course, make billions by it... is a hell of a racket!

    Of course, a person with a little bit of moral values will have a problem with all this, but that is not important to the system, it seems.
  • ---> Svetlana Vikkersen "Whatever, your classic discurse/rethoric is well known"

    "If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack." ~ Winston Churchill

    The point? "Your archaic Judeo/Christian/Islamic dogma based on falsehoods is destroying the planet and everything on it." Just because you are blind or brainwashed does not make me wrong. It makes you blind or brainwashed.
  • To a few --> That you do not comprehend religion >is< it's own form of psychology does not make me wrong. It makes you having not made or understood the connection and how it manifests itself yet. On a mass social, national or organized religious scale, you have to have at least a grasp on the Buddha's concept of the "mind" and how it functions. Which is far more accurate than any Judeo/Christian/Islamic "God" dogma. Its a "not seeing the forest for the trees" problem. The Book of Revelations? LOL. It only took me over 50 years to see it through the noise and bruhaha, so I'll forgive you :) As pointed out by the author, while it contains elements of science, psychology is not a science. Having a problem with life and need counsel how to deal with it? Consult your "book" or have a talk with your clergyman. And that is different from a therapist how? The difference being one is governed by archaic dogma with an agenda the other is licensed by society to hand you a pill so you can better "cope" with the society you live in built on the archaic dogma. The one example I gave was just one and an easy one.
  • Not unremarkably, the history books of the United States do not reveal Puritan populations centers as wildly criminal, filled with angry, confused adults, primed and ready to kill, as they would if your assertions were true. Your anti-Christian rhetoric is interesting but is really nothing more than totally unsubstantiated opinion. Anyone who cares to spend a moment or two in reflection can see that you don't know what you're talking about.
  • Sarah H. M. Ajz 

    Is all deeply connected, you cannot play down religion nor take it out of the picture when it comes to psychology, you don't seem to be part of a Christian religion, I come from a country that is Catholic in its majority, and I can tell you that the guilt that Christian religions put on their followers, including kids, is astonishing, there is always a price to pay for everything, if you don't play by their rules you are a flawed person so either you become a hypocrite or overcompensate with sanctimonious behavior, or you might become righteous and filled with hate at the flaws that you see in yourself without accepting them, instead searching them on others and condemning, to take pills is just one of the results from such a pressure, but certainly is there, that the US has a higher rate of this cases doesn't prove that is not related to religion, it only proves that in the US, where big pharma is, there is an agenda to take advantage of this, among the other factors in the equation, such as bad education, lousy government and the whole profit guided society.
  • Oh please, i think you must take anti-psychotics urgently. Your entire post is incoherent.
    What kind of confuse thought mix the religion with a phenomenom like the use of anti-psychotics?
    Whatever, your classic discurse/rethoric is well known, the guilt, the repression, the self hate, a rethoric only valid in the 60´s . The problem is a liberal based society who see the magic pill like the solution for the decadence of the liberal fairy tales of happy life, success, money. All those things are falling, then the solution is the magical science with the magic medicine, is not the guilt, and another nonsenses what you said is the system failure for bring happiness, the liberal happiness.
    One thing, you must read more, the mystical thoughts are related with psychosis by the academy, then the anti-psychotics drop them, those drugs put down the dopamine (the neurotransmitter what leading the alert state, the natural defensive response, and the motor function)
    I guess you support marihuana, what increase the psychosis, and is the real brain storming for  have an obedient people like the liberals want to dominate.
    Shut the tiring rethoric you guy, is your science, is your magical remedy the classic enemy of all kind of imagination. Enjoy the catatonia, the solution for the worst failure of your liberal DisneyWorld, where all the people is happy, successful and goes to the university.
    Never i think to back to read an speech like yours, come on, throw away your sandglass.
    And read more, you are obsolete.
  • It seems highly unlikely that religion could be one of the root causes of this problem. It's far too great. Religion, like any other philosophy, came about to guide man towards a particular kind of civilisation. Naturally, the older the philosophy gets, the more contextualised it becomes to its time (not always the case). So, when you have a bunch of people preaching something archaic without letting it evolve for the current generation, it creates a conflict, seeing as we live in times very different from the one's these religions came about in, and even suited. To be progressive or traditional in the interpretation of religion is quite a debate with scholars and other people- one that even a detailed reading of history will not help you understand. Besides that, religion, unlike science, can be interpreted in various ways, and it's not infallible - so, really, it's a piece of literature that you may or may not choose to follow, and people shouldn't be judged for taking up either choice. Also, you can't blame literature for being old enough that various changes could have been made to it depending on who ruled. It's up to the people to understand that, and THAT is what we should be teaching them. Everything evolves, and religion should too - and that is the kind of open-mindedness we need to popularise. I've met ultra-orthodox men and women, and they have been some of the best people I've had the opportunity to spend time with - so generalising isn't going to help either as you end up stigmatising perfectly normal people.

    Needless to say, you can't blame religion for how people follow it. A simple reading of history will show you everything wrong done in the name of religion, but, will also show some of the greatest contributions to mankind in philosophy, science, law, and social sciences came from religion or religious zeal.

    By focusing so much on religion, you're not contributing to the argument of saving a population that thinks popping pills will paste back together their shattered picture of the 'ideal American life'. This is a cultural problem more than a religious problem; though, religion does form part of the culture. But, in this case, it's the libertine and idealisitic philosophy of life that the people have fallen for hook, line and sinker. American's live in their own little bubble of perfection, and when reality threatens to burst the bubble, you whirr out of control. What your population needs is a good dose of reality, a better education system and some worldly knowledge to solidly ground them.

    American's have a history of falling for non-sense. Tell them spinach is good for health, and they'd be over-dosing on it till their stool turns green and you defecate your over-strained kidney's out. The prevalent lack of common-sense is more of a root cause than religion. I've seen Christians around the world being taught of how 'Jesus died for your sins' (and other 'dangerous' stories of religion across faiths), but, I'm sorry, nobody on the other side of the world is busy popping pills the way American's do.
  • It's also because psychiatry is one of those 'sciences' where there is little scope for objectivity. Recently, they decided to remove the 'disorder' from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder because the 'docs' thought it can't necessarily be categorised as a 'disorder', and to 'reduce' the stigma and 'myths' surrounding it.

    "As our colleagues over at the Battleland blog reported today, Pentagon officials are trying to remove the disorder
    from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), arguing that posttraumatic
    stress is a "normal reaction" to very serious events in soldiers' lives.
    As the reasoning goes, if it's normal, then it should be neither
    labeled a disorder nor stigmatized" TIME June 6, 2011

    It's all about accommodation, I suppose. Soldiers aren't necessarily the only one's who through psychological stress-related trauma, so I don't know how this change affects all those people.

    Tomorrow, they could simply define eccentricity as a mental disorder and have people popping pills in no time. On the one hand, you see psychiatrists broadening the definition of mental disorders so it encompasses a vast array of problems, and on the other hand, they seem to be narrowing it for some organisation's benefit.

    As far as I see it, most of these children probably don't need these drugs - just good parenting skills. Is it just me, or do I see a trend in these 'modern cultures' where parents get lazier and less responsible with their children, and use 'disorders' and 'video games' as excuses for not being productively involved in breeding good children?
  • Westcoastliberal 1 day ago in reply to Gary
    Gary, I like the way you think :)
  • It's not about religion, but since you seem to be opinionated or scarred from religious beliefs....I will defend the Faith. I call the new epidemic of psychotropic drugging "Pharmageddon". We are destroying more kids with Psychotropics than with religion. I'll stick to believing and following the teachings of Christ and the Bible before I would ever believe the lies of Big Pharma and the rules of the D$M-IV (soon to be DSM-V). In the Bible it was the forces of satan that crippled people. Today it's Big Pharma who destroys the mind, body, and soul with their lies and p$ychotropics. Recess, not Ritalin.
  • What utter nonsense!
  • It is truly insane.  If there is a future to be analyzed by future generations they will look at our for profit health care system with horror and disgust.  Nobody needs as many drugs as we take.  Pharmaceutical companies are much more dangerous drug dealers than the ones you find on the street. Their drugs are more dangerous and kill more people than the illegal black market stuff. They sell to children and anyone else they think they can make a quick buck from.  I know this as I am a living example, when I was in elementary school they told me I was too hyper and tried to get me all hopped up on Ritalin to try to shut me up. I didn't need those drugs and I feel so bad wondering how many kids out there are being treated the same way just so some filthy slob can refurnish his yacht.  What is happening to our system? Why do we let this happen?.  Now they are just making up conditions to make extra money.  Restless leg syndrome?  Really?  Then if you watch the commercials they fix one problem and create five more.  Heart pills with side effects that could give you a heart attack? Anti depression pills that give you thoughts of suicide.  Isn't that what depressed people take the pills to get away from?  What are they doing to us?
  • OH Matt,
    I'm so happy you escape it! 
    You are right. Cocaine and opiates are easier to withdraw than some benzodiazepines like "clonazepam"_ Klonopin and SSRIs_ antidepressants Prozac-like.
    Physicians don't know how to help patients to withdraw the drugs.
    Some people get addicted and have to take the medicine for the rest of their lives. Some people try to withdraw and suffer all the withdrawal symptoms_ it is hell, you have no idea!_ and in the end they have to go back to the drug because they cannot function.
    It is just like a chemical lobotomy.
    I read many testimonies and. Anyone can search the web and find them.
    Medicine is criminal. I'm sorry but if you keep prescribing a drug whose harms overweight the benefits and one of the side effects is death... you are being accomplice of a crime.

  • GARY,
    That's all. I don't understand why people keep answering and discussing things that are not important.
    Please, ignore when people is not talking about what is at the article. People like GARY are everywhere causing trouble.
    They fear the power of people.
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    Mass Psychosis in the US: Hooked on anti-psychotic drugs http://t.co/HjscfK7 What happens when these drugs are cut off to millions of users?
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