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Matt EdwardsAug 17

This is why I don't trust anyone in the whole vaccine debate. Pharmaceutical companies paying off "Independent" experts is hardly looking out for the public's best interest. This is the one case that came out to the public, I doubt this is the only time this has ever happened.

Renee KoepkeAug 13

Wow..this article spells out exactly why I've decided to get my doctorate in behavior analysis and abandon psychology as a career. Wtf Texas?!

Connie J MichelJul 28

What an informative article! We need more like this to expose this unethical and criminal activity. Thanks for the excellent work...

Dale SoutherlandJul 28

Thanks for this information the public needs to know. I will pass it to my public, keep up the great work.

Bobby FiddamanJul 27

Pharma paying experts? Next thing you know we will learn that their drugs are about as effective as a placebo... Oh, wait a minute...

Evelyn PringleJul 27

Nanci Wilson has been covering the story of the corruption involved in the TMAP drugging guidelines exposed by whistleblower Allen Jones even longer than I have I believe and she does one hell of a good job. This article gives many new details on the scandal.

Carol MooreJul 27

This information needs to be known! It is criminal to subject people to this kind of abuse! If every news media source would inform the public of this kind of data people would be so much better off.

Daniel GuildJul 27

Of course there are people with private insurance from work that were terrorized into taking risperdal, but the government doesn't investigate that.

Daniel GuildJul 27

Wasn't the whistle blown on TMAP in 2006? It's a shame that the justice system is slower than molasses in February. The state officials who are complicit in this scam should go to jail along with the pharma trash.

Jessica EpureJul 27

Thank you for providing such a concise, well documented article. This is the type of story that needs to be shared widely. I will pass it on.
Displaying 10 of 17 posts.